
Get Your Best Night’s Sleep Starting Tonight

Our daily lifestyle activities can be boiled down to 3 simple things: eating/drinking, moving, and thinking. Evolution has shaped our behaviors and genetic requirements in all three categories and if we fail to fulfill these requirements, over time we suffer consequences. Most notably are the ramped, preventable chronic diseases. All of which can be traced…

Get Off the Iceberg: Covering Up Illness or Curing It

Have you ever wondered why so many people are struggling with chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, pain syndromes, digestive disorders, etc.?  Have you been sold the idea that this is “normal” and that our health and our bodies are prone to failure?   Have you been taught that humans are designed to genetically express disease and dysfunction that require drugs…

Core 4 Functional Movements for Physical Health Continued.

Welcome back to the Core 4!  When putting together an exercise plan there are thousands of exercises and pieces of equipment to choose from.  The variety tends to be overwhelming for most people especially those who do not have much exposure to functional exercise. I am a big proponent of teaching people how to move well,…

Core 4 Functional Movements for Physical Health

When putting together an exercise plan there are thousands of exercises and pieces of equipment to choose from.  The variety tends to be overwhelming for most people especially those who do not have much exposure to functional exercise. I am a big proponent of teaching people how to move well, move often, and keep it…

Mistake #2 Most People Make When Working Towards Health

In our office I make all my nutritional recommendations based on reviewing blood labs. These allow me to see a very comprehensive picture of what I like to call ‘peeking underneath the hood’. Labs don’t lie and they will tell me right away if you are making the #2 biggest mistake people make when it…

Find The Solution To Your Low Back Problems Part 2: Change Your Movement

  Change Your Movement  Continuing my 3-part series on strengthening your low back, next is up changing your movement. Most lower back problems stem from mechanical or movement dysfunction. This means that at some point the healthy movement in your lower back became compromised. Usually from either not enough movement, or the wrong kinds of movement….