
Unlock Your Best Performance: Foam Roll For Better Health and Fitness

Are you someone who spends long hours at a desk or engages in physically demanding work? If so you might deal with persistent aches and pains from your daily activities. Whether it’s a stiff back from sitting or sore muscles from lifting, these discomforts can be frustrating. Seeking relief, you decide to try foam rolling…

Strength Training For Women Pt.2

Welcome back my fellow seekers of strength and vitality! In our last discussion, we talked about the transformative power of strength training, particularly for women over 40. We explored the misconceptions, fears, and the undeniable importance of incorporating strength training into our wellness routines. Today, we’re picking up right where we left off, ready to…

Strength Training For Women 40+

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the countless tasks that fill your day? Whether you manage a home with children or face the world as a strong, independent woman, you might notice your once-endless energy now comes in short supply. Cook, clean, work, care for family, run errands, make appointments—this makes up your daily routine….

Planning for Pregnancy

Ready to plan for a pregnancy? Many things need to happen to prepare for this journey. The first and most important step should be getting off of your current birth control regime and evaluating your current state of health.  Birth control is an artificial hormone remedy to help prevent pregnancy. Therefore, it shuts off your…

Can Chiropractic Care Help With Infertility?

  As the topic of infertility becomes more apparent across the world and social media platforms, we have to remember that this is not a new issue. The World Health Organization states that 1 in 4 couples in developed countries struggle with infertility. Infertility is defined by the inability to conceive after one year of…

3rd Tier Health Care

    If you have been a patient at In8 Wellness Center, read any of our online reviews, or seen our content online you will come to learn that the service that we offer is unlike anywhere else in the world.  It is true, there are PLENTY of other chiropractors to choose from even within…

5 Steps to Fix your Home Office Setup to Improve your Health and Productivity

It is unbelievable to think we are now entering the month of March 2021, officially one whole year of COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates. One thing that has become frighteningly clear to me based on all the new patients I have been seeing in the last 3-4 months is that people are becoming mentally and physically…

How to Detect Signs of Scoliosis in Your Children

This month I have a special guest blog by my classmate and scoliosis expert Dr. Chris Gubbels who practices in Fort Collins, CO. Dr. Chris specializes in non-surgical options for scoliosis correction and management. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional spine deformity that involves both a lateral bending and rotational components of the spine. 3% of adolescents…

What Medicine Isn’t Telling You About Healing Concussions

Today in the United States our emergency medical system is the best in the world when it comes to saving lives from trauma. But, much like other progressive illnesses or diseases, we fall way short with results when it comes to treating the fallout from trauma; especially traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Research is finding that…

Secrets to Hormonal Happiness for Women Workshop Details

May is women’s health month at here at In8 Wellness Center!!!!! If you have not signed up for this month’s FREE Advanced Workshop on on Wed May 30th called ” Secrets to Hormonal Happiness” dont wait any longer as it is going to be AWESOME! Share the gift of health with an important woman in your…