
3 Simple Healthy Habits for Back to Work & School   Agreeing with the majority is a rarity these days. However, I think where we can all agree is that bad postural habits and inactivity are a major crisis in our country. Thankfully, schools and offices are mostly back to in-person operation, but still more than any time in history we have engineered activity…

Back to School Easy Health Hacks

If you have kiddos, then this time of year signals back school and getting back into the school routine. September is a great time to reset after the summer holidays and get some of the healthy habits back on the rails that slipped during the summer. For those of you looking to either get yourselves…

Find The Solution To Your Low Back Problems Part 3: Change Your Habits

Bad habits create movement problems.  Movement problems cause breakdown and back pain.  The absolute worst habit for your low back is sitting. I know, we talked about this already. But even worse than sitting is sitting with bad posture. Let’s be realistic, sitting these days is inevitable. But even if you’re alternating sitting and standing,…

Find The Solution To Your Low Back Problems Part 2: Change Your Movement

  Change Your Movement  Continuing my 3-part series on strengthening your low back, next is up changing your movement. Most lower back problems stem from mechanical or movement dysfunction. This means that at some point the healthy movement in your lower back became compromised. Usually from either not enough movement, or the wrong kinds of movement….

Find The Solution To Your Low Back Problems Part 1

Let me start by telling you that if you are someone who suffers from chronic lower back pain I sympathize with you.  As a chiropractor it pains me to admit (pun intended) that I am someone who has struggled with a back problem for the last couple years.  It is hard for me to admit…

How to Solve Your Child’s Devastating Health Habits – Part 2

Last week we talked about how critical it is to build great posture habits as early as possible to ensure optimal health and development for your kids.  By simply setting a great example, limiting electronic use, and getting checked by a chiropractor who specializes in posture can bolster your chances significantly. But what can you…