
Sciatica Part 1

Definition of sciatica  : pain along the course of a sciatic nerve especially in the back of the thigh broadly : pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, or adjacent parts This is how Webster defines sciatica. What I want to dig into here is a little more detail on what sciatica is, how it presents and things we can do…

Get Your Best Night’s Sleep Starting Tonight

Our daily lifestyle activities can be boiled down to 3 simple things: eating/drinking, moving, and thinking. Evolution has shaped our behaviors and genetic requirements in all three categories and if we fail to fulfill these requirements, over time we suffer consequences. Most notably are the ramped, preventable chronic diseases. All of which can be traced…

Get Off the Iceberg: Covering Up Illness or Curing It

Have you ever wondered why so many people are struggling with chronic medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, pain syndromes, digestive disorders, etc.?  Have you been sold the idea that this is “normal” and that our health and our bodies are prone to failure?   Have you been taught that humans are designed to genetically express disease and dysfunction that require drugs…

Core 4 Functional Movements for Physical Health Continued.

Welcome back to the Core 4!  When putting together an exercise plan there are thousands of exercises and pieces of equipment to choose from.  The variety tends to be overwhelming for most people especially those who do not have much exposure to functional exercise. I am a big proponent of teaching people how to move well,…

The Difference Between Functional Movement and Corrective Exercise

Let’s clear up some confusion between these two buzz words. Functional Movement: Think of functional movement as being the equivalent to nutritious whole foods in your diet.  They represent training a variety of movements and not just individual muscle groups.  Typically, these movements are replicating some sort of real-world type of scenario like a pull,…

Got Tight Hips? Stop Stretching And Foam Rolling And Do This Instead

Do you sit for more than 4 total hours per day? Do you perform full body exercises (squat, lift, pull, push, run) less than 3 days per week? Do you have chronic back or knee pain? Do you have poor squat mobility (chest forward, up in your toes, knees inwards)? If you answered yes to…

The Three Worst Stretches for Back Pain

This may shock you but these 3 stretches that you are doing for your back pain are doing more harm than good. Yes, even if a clinician gave them to you.  They may feel good at the time when you do them, but over the long run are they are damaging the discs in your…

Ice or Heat? A Definitive Guide. Sort of.

It might surprise you to know that there really isn’t a one-size fits all recommendation when it comes to icing or heating your body.  You might hear one practitioner say ice and never heat, or another say heat and never ice, or some say use neither!  What I can tell you is from my experience…