In8 Wellness Center Healthy Holiday Travel Tips

It sounds corny, but the best holiday gift you could possibly give to yourself and others is the gift of health.  What I mean by this is to encourage you to not fall into the mindset that just because this is the time of year for parties and indulgence that you need to hold off until January to make good choices.

If you think about it, let’s say you hit up 2 holiday parties, have a couple family get togethers, and party like a rock star on New Year’s eve, that is only equivalent to 5 days/evenings of debauchery. That is only 15% of the days in the month of December! It really is a small fraction in the grand scheme of things when it comes to food and drink, late nights, and missed workouts.

And yes, things do get even more challenging when you are travelling during the holidays


Do yourself a favor and keep your shit together this year by using our 5 best healthy holiday travel tips this year:

  1. Get yourself a couple of acumobility balls. This mobility tool is portable, indestructible, and will help you with all your postural stress from airplane, car, and couch surfing. In the video below, I will show you my favorite ways to use these mobility tools to help you manage your physical stress and trauma from holiday travel.  You can purchase them from our office or visit (Just a warning, every time I bring these in my carry on the TSA gives me a funny look when they pull it out of my bag!)
  1. Keep your immune system strong through the holidays despite increased stress and fatigue. Traveling through time zones, staying up late, and consuming alcohol and sugar is a sure-fire way to suppress your immune system. It’s no wonder so many people “get sick” at this time of year! Here is a list of our favorite supplements including links on where to get top notch quality to keep your immune system bullet-proof. By using the links, you will receive 20% off your first order! And for return clients, use the code IN820 and you will again receive 20% off as a holiday gift from IN8WC. So Stock up!
  • Fish oil: Omega-3 fatty acids from fish are essential when it comes to a robust immune defense. Make sure to take between 1-3 grams of EPA and DHA per day to stay ahead of becoming deficient.

  • Vitamin D: This ‘vitamin’ is actually a hormone that is produced naturally in our skin when we are exposed to the healing rays of the sun. But, good luck getting sun these days during a New England winter! So, a daily dose of 5000 IU of vitamin D is exactly what the doctor is ordering to keep your immune system humming along.

  • GlutaClear: This supplement is designed to boost your body’s natural production of glutathione, your body’s primary antioxidant. It is critical to protect against oxidative stress throughout the body and support detoxification.

  • Ultra-potent C: It is well known that vitamin C plays a key role in supporting the immune system, and it is necessary in collagen production for connective tissue health.

  • Kaprex: This potent supplement is for when you are feeling run down and want to get ahead of getting sick. It modulates the immune system by giving you a dose of zinc, selenium, and magnesium.

  • Probiotics: If you want a healthy immune system then you must have a healthy gut. UltraFlora Balance has been shown to support a healthy intestinal environment to boost immune health.

  1. Stay Hydrated BEFORE you travel. Aim for ½ your body weight in ounces everyday and put a pinch of sea salt for electrolytes. This alone could be a major game changer to eliminate soreness, sickness, headaches, sinus congestion, and overall malaise. Even if you are already hydrated, get yourself a bottle to keep with you during your car travel, or buy 1 liter of water once you are past airport security and drink it all during your flight.
  2. Just because you are at a hotel or staying at a friend or family members house doesn’t mean you need to skip your workout. Keeping your body moving and functional while on the go will prevent your fitness from sliding backwards and make it that much easier to get back to your normal routine. In the video below, I have created 3 different workout ideas you can use during the holidays that are scalable and minimal equipment necessary!
  3. Take the time to quiet your mind and stay in gratitude. There are many ways to do this, but the simplest way is to meditate for 5-10 minutes per day. Find the time to get still in a quiet space, and clear your mind. You can either sit in stillness and keep your mind quiet or think about things and the people you are grateful for.  By committing to this practice, you will find that your stress levels will be reduced, your happiness will increase, and your ability to deal with people and situations will improve.

There you have it. Use these 5 simple tips and you will have the happiest, healthiest holidays guaranteed!

As 2019 comes to an end, I want to say that we the team at In8 Wellness Center are extremely grateful for each and every one of you who trust us as your primary HEALTH provider for you and your family. We are always striving to be on the cutting edge of wellness, chiropractic, and best health care practices and we aim to be EVEN BETTER in 2020.  So thank you, may you have a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season and god bless all of you!

Love Dr. Ryan and the entire In8 wellness team

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